Sunday, 6 April 2008

My Craft Area

I thought you might be interested to see where I craft.

your own mess, but you can't stand someone else's!! This is the probleMy craft area is actually in my daughter's bedroom ( I might have moaned about it in an earlier very long post). We share the desk and so for practicality reasons, it has to stay reasonably neat and tidy (if we can both manage it). I expect a lot of you find that you can standm my DD and I have, we can't stand each other's mess, so we agree to keep the surfaces tidy (as best we can anyway).

I think if my DD had her bedroom to herself then I think I can definitely say that she wouldn't have as many shelves in there!!

The shelves hold all manner of things from my water colouring pencils, my ribbon (some stored in Ferrero Rocher chocolate see through boxes). Scrap trays, where I keep scraps of coloured paper that I am absolutely positive will come in handy some day (only to have a clear out every now and again and realise that it was a load of junk that didn't warrant being treasured).

The shelf above the desk holds my glitter glues, a blue box of odds and sods that I am praying I will use one day, and my 12x12 collection of papers that I forbid myself from using, preferring instead to stroke them every now and again. I have one basket full of punches which I am hoping will one day be replaced by a full set of nestabilities and a die cutting machine of some sort..

On my desk there is a basket of scissors, a small pot of 'tools' and a recently acquired basket that helps me keep things tidy, which is full of projects that are pending finishing something off. In this instance it is full of kit cards that I bought when I first started crafting, and I forgot I had them, so I made them all up and am now waiting to put inserts in them.

My stack of designer paper pads sits on top of the bin near my DD's nightstand. I have a HUGE printer that sits on top of the desk, because it won't fit anywhere else in the room.

If you want to know what I WISH my craft area looked like, along with all the stuff I WISH I had, then click here... This woman has seriously got it sorted...

Just to add insult to injury, I thought I would post a photo of where I take my photos. No fancy lighting/stage setups for me! Just two pieces of white paper, precariously propped at the end of a shelf on my balcony! If you want to know how to make your own light studio though, then here s a great link showing you how to make a studio for less than $10. I did actually make one of these and had great results, but my lack of creating meant that it sat outside on the balcony for a couple of weeks, and in the meantime we had a calima (storm) and it blew off the balcony!! I haven't managed to find another box big enough to make another. I'm secretly hoping that I'm going to win the lottery and will be able to afford the real deal...

Thanks for stopping by..

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Wow. Thanks for sharing that photobox link!

Also, hope you get your own craft area soon! Looks like you're pretty organized though!