Sunday, 7 December 2008

Toad you so (male version)

Image by Pink Petticoat.
Coloured using (you guessed it) watercolour pencils.

Now, at this point, if you have me on Reader (Totty, I know you're there!!), you're probably thinking to yourselves, well, why doesn't she just upload multiple images and be done with all this in a few long posts?

Because, my blogging is so sporadic, that if I don't schedule them, and at least keep myself on the blogging radar, then people will just assume that I have dropped off the face of the earth, and I don't want that.

I just don't get the time that I would like to be able to create, photo, edit and post as often as I would like. Also, most of the time my mojo disappears on me for weeks on end. I usually get it back about a week after a (personal) deadline has passed.. So this is my answer, as boring as it might be for you to read, there is at least a new image every post!!

Thanks for stopping by..

1 comment:

Totty Teabag said...

I'm a great fan of scheduled posts! I quite often have periods when I'm either too busy to upload photos, or I have made a load of cards, but sent them off before remembering to scan, or I just can't be ar$€d. When I have a quiet time, I schedule a few random posts just so my daughters don't think I've dropped off the planet! I'm on the last of the Christmas cards this week, as number one daughter is visiting and she can take the UK ones back with her.