Wednesday, 17 October 2007

You make me smile Award

I have received an award from Andrea - the "You make me smile" Award - thank you Andrea - you make me smile too!!

I now have to nominate 10 people. They are:


thanks for all your support - I am blessed.

Friday, 12 October 2007

Madeline & Isabella

Over on Andrea Vernagus' website, she is running some blog candy for two three month old twin girls, Madeline and Isabella who have both been diagnosed with cancer and are undergoing treatment for this horrific disease. You can click here to learn more about this amazing family. This is my card for the girls.

Sunday, 7 October 2007

Breast Cancer Awareness

Here is my card for Breast Cancer Awareness month. I have used one of the Pink Petticoat images (she's NOT BELLA!!) LOL!! The background paper that I used at the bottom of the card is from the Artylicious Damask Delights CD from Graphicus. Every single design on this CD (and all the others) are a delight to behold. If you haven't used CD's before then you must check out all the Artylicious CD's by Glenda - you won't be able to choose you will want them all - I did!! LOL..

The frill is from my local haberdashery shop - years old!! This is also the first card I have shot using my mini macro studio that I made thanks to a link sent to me by Renee from Stamping for Sanity. Thanks Renee!! For any of you who are having trouble photographing your cards so that they look their best, then hop on over to Strobist. It is a blog by a very good photographer who wants to share their wisdom on the advantage of taking photos with good light. This particular tutorial that I have linked is for making the under $10 'studio'.

I have tried both using the box outside in natural light and inside with the help of a desk lamp, and whilst I am not 100% happy with them just yet (they still keep coming out lop-sided for some reason!), I can honestly say, I am much happier with my photos now than I was when I first started blogging. So progress has been made! I would be interested to know which photo my fellow bloggers prefer - so if you'd like to leave me a comment I would be grateful!! Is it number 1 (at the top) or number 2 (at the bottom).
Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, 5 October 2007

I've been tagged!! The Name Game.

I'm so excited! I've been tagged by Andrea. I have been a fan of her blog for a while now - I love her creations - they are all so yummy!! Thanks for tagging me Andrea!!

The NAME GAME. The name of the game is to list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life, for each letter of your middle name. If you don't have a middle name, use the name you would have liked to have had. When you are tagged you need to write your own blog post containing you middle name and game facts. At the end of your blog post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them they're tagged and to read your blog.

M - Mornings - not a morning person!
A - Animals & Asthma - I'm alergic to them and suffer from it. I have to love them from a distance - it's pure TORTURE, not being able to 'pet' them
R - Reiki - took it for a while and loved it, but haven't had time to go lately..
Y - Yukky - what I think of having to do housework..LOL
L - Like browsing all the blogs - spend all morning every day doing it!!
O - Orderly - I am always saying, "There is a place for everything, and everything in it's place" - it drives me mad if I can't find what I'm looking for fast!!
U - Untidy - how my house is most of the time (which conflicts alot with letter O - which in turn drives me CARAZY!!!!)
I - Italy - somewhere I would love to visit!!
S - Spanish - I speak it quite well - never studied it - I copy!!, but am always being corrected by my kids who are bi-lingual and think my mistakes are hilarious.
E - Exceptional - what I think my kids are!!

I tag the following people:

M - Mum on the Run - Cheryl
A - Alli Miles - Card Metaphors
R - Renee - Stamping for Sanity
Y - I don't know anyone with the letter Y - I cheat and tag Natasha Palmtrees & Pogosticks
L - Lisa Zappa - Shabbychick Junk
O - Oodabug Alley - Charmaine
U - I don't know anyone with the letter U - I cheat and tag Dana Kismet, Art & Life
I - Inkastamp - Amy
S - Sara - Desperate Stamper
E - Elusive Images - Glenda

Trust me to have such a long middle name!!